Good morning friends - today I was going to do a whole thing on plant based proteins. But I don't feel like it so I will do that a different day and instead tell you a story about a young woman with a very high IQ who regularly does unintelligent things.
Of course I am talking about myself.
When I end up in said predicaments I imagine that I am Bridget Jones - and that Carly Simon is singing in the background and Hugh Grant is shaking his snobbish, albeit attractive head at me, before Colin Firth - a man who folds his underpants - sweeps me of my feet.
2 weeks ago I started my move from my parents home into my own apartment (which they are graciously helping me finance) after round 3 of "time to move back home because your dying" had ended, well subsided, because financially I am down for the count. Anyways, I decided I needed a mattress - so "mind over matter" being my mantra of choice I said to myself "surely I can lift a mattress myself" - I envisioned pushing and pulling it to the stairs and letting gravity do the rest.
Yup! Not my brightest moment. Instead I managed to find myself face down on the box springs with said mattress on top of me. I then had to shimmy my way out from between the two to prevent suffocation. Good times.
Had Hugh Grant, Carly Simon and Colin Firth been there we all would have a good laugh over some blue soup and bottles of wine. However, nobody was there and I was not amused. Today I had another moment of attempted resourcefulness backfire...
We will get to that in a minute.

I am still unpacking. Because I was just diagnosed with Lyme when most of this stuff got boxed up in 2006 I truly forgot I had most of it and honestly if it didn't have my name on it I would never believe it was mine. I am hoping there is healing in unpacking my life again after 7 yrs but it's emotional and a little devastating also. Has it really been that long? Am I still surviving this same illness week after week & month after month? Sure am. The key is to say I am surviving, not suffering. Sometimes changes in your vocabulary will promote changes in your viewpoint.
So back to this morning - because I am using whatever I find in these boxes to get by for the time being I decided to use a casserole dish to try to cook eggs. LOL. Not only did they not cook but they exploded all over the ceiling, stove and best part yet all over my clean dishes - every dish I had just washed was next to the stove in the hopes that they would dry faster there. I know you should be laughing at me - I certainly am. And alas I had egg on my face!
You can either beat yourself up, sit down and cry or lean over and laugh yourself to tears when things go wrong. It doesn't have to involve eggs or kitchenware either. It could be the fact that you got out of bed and fell on your face when your left leg decided to give out. It could be the fact that your arms are covered in bruises that make you look like a junkie because of all the IVs and lab work. It could be the fact that your muscles spasm so long and hard that you fill a cup of water and by the time you reach the couch there's only a sip left - the rest is all over the floor. If you don't learn to laugh at yourself I guarantee you will cry your eyes out and be no better off!
And if someone else is making fun of you or being unsupportive may I suggest a flying flip of the bird. It's like flipping the bird for people with Parkinson's, or dystonia - the finger goes up but it won't stay still - think of it as waving it in their face. Now I can hear my dad's voice in m head saying "Audrey be careful what you say. That wasn't very nice." True. But being sick isn't nice. Being unsupported or mocked isn't nice and sometimes the flying flip of the bird is a moment of humor and retaliation that allows you to laugh and get back up and try again. It is far nicer then wallowing! So instead of making to do lists, just have a good laugh.

Instead of focusing on the shoulds, woulds and wants today all you need to do is find some humor in your life and let yourself laugh. For me it's about time to pop in my old dvd & visit my friend Bridget.
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