Hello friends! So a lot of what we will be focusing on here are our friends in HEALTH & WEALTH: fruits and vegetables.
Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C
Dietary fiber from vegetables, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.
For me eating fruits and vegetables has had an enormous impact on my health. This year I starting taking Juice Plus+ which is dehydrated fruits and vegetables - the powdered result is encapsulated and you take it everyday. The fruits are in one capsule, the veggies are in another. There is a third capsule called the Vineyard Blend which has berries and grains in it. I have been taking all 3 blends for about 9 months and the impact has been remarkable. I should say that this led me to become more aware of my eating - I am now a vegetarian & gluten free. I also avoid packaged and processed foods and GMO's as much as possible.
This combination has helped keep me out of the hospital, ER's and avoid the dreaded ambulance rides to get urgent medical care, all year long. I did not realize the affect until a Doctor pointed out that I had been sans Hospital stay for 7 months and counting and that this was the longest I had gone without such a visit since 2004. I almost fell out of my chair! I am now 9 months Hospital free, and counting. It is not easy. I still have many Lyme symptoms & regular flare ups but I am heading in the right direction and taking back my life.
So I have Chronic Lyme but my nutrition adventure has allowed me to be a functioning lymie. It has also led me to be capable of starting my Juice Plus+ business, starting to get more involved in my community and church congregation, and now to write a daily blog also which is a nice list of successful ventures to have under my belt! I am also about to move out of my folks place - again...
I have had to move in with family numerous times over the years both to tend to my health, and to help me tend to my financial lack of well-being. Being sick is an expensive past time! So I do not take any of this lightly. I am passionate about my career, my future and my health. I want to share as much as possible with others what has worked for me!
Let's start at the beginning: Fruits & Vegetables! Why do we eat them anyways? Well they contain key nutrients our bodies need in order to fight of diseases! The USDA recommends eating 7-13 servings daily. This changed in 2011 when the food pyramid was replaced with the idea of filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables.
So the CDC and the Produce for Better Health Foundation launched a national campaign with the message, "Fruits & Veggies -- More Matters. The new slogan replaces the old "5 a Day" campaign, which dates back to the early '90s. The reason? Under the U.S. government's latest food guidelines, five servings of fruits and vegetables may not be enough.
Adults need anywhere from 7-13 cups of produce daily to get all the health benefits of fruits and vegetables -- including possible protection against obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
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In simplest terms, healthy eating is about getting back to basics − by following the latest USDA guidelines, like those from USDA’s My Plate.
The Ten Tips Nutrition Education Series provides consumers and professionals with high quality, easy-to-follow tips in a convenient, printable format. These are perfect for posting on a refrigerator. These tips and ideas are a starting point. You will find a wealth of suggestions here that can help you get started toward a healthy diet. Choose a change that you can make today, and move toward a healthier you. (http://www.choosemyplate.gov/healthy-eating-tips/ten-tips.html)
Today, healthcare professionals know more than ever about how health and wellness are influenced by nutrients from fruits and vegetables.
We will delve into more detailed examinations of these wonder drugs of mother nature for sure and certainly look at why and what we should eat for our illnesses and injuries and how to eat preventatively also for those of you who have not had major life changing health issues. Trust me you want to keep it that way and food is the easiest, cheapest and least invasive way to control your health - I truly believe that!
For now make sure you are eating as much ripe and awesome fresh produce as you can find. Mix it up - experiment people! What's the worst that could happen - it may not taste great but it will still be good for your body and brain. The plus side - you may discover a whole new food world to tantalize your taste buds and help build a better you with fewer health concerns so you can get out there and live!
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I wish you a happy, healthy, and hopeful day dear friends. Peace, Audrey
JUICE PLUS+: http://akortesharesjuiceplus.com
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