Lyme, co-infections and the misdiagnosed symptoms and sicknesses
Lyme Disease is a spirochetal infection passed to humans or animals through a tick bite. There is some debate to whether it is sexually transmitted or passed to humans and animals through other bug bites. It can be passed in utero to a baby if the mom is infected.
There are three stages in Lyme Disease. There is no time line to when someone may reach each stage however. Some people take years to get to stage three while others can reach it in a couple months of the tick bite. Most people do not even remember a tick bite. For more information on Lyme Disease please go to: What Is Lyme Disease?
Symptoms of Lyme Disease
There is a wide variety of symptoms. Lyme Disease can affect every organ system in your body including you brain. Some people have muscular skeletal problems while others have neurological symptoms. Many people have both. It is also common for Lyme symptoms to "migrate." Migrating symptoms are symptoms that either change constantly or move around. For example, one day your knee may be swollen and hurt and the next day it stop but your elbow hurts instead.
The first symptoms after the initial infection are easy to miss. You usually will experience flu like symptoms a week or so after exposure. Some people, (less then half) develop a bull's eye rash.If you experience fever, stiff neck, headache, and fatigue, please see your doctor right away. Later as the infection spreads the symptoms can turn to severe fatigue, neurological problems, getting lost in familiar places, vision problems, panic attacks, extreme anxiety or depression, painful joints, numbness and tingling anywhere in body, extreme headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, Bell's Palsy, (facial parlysis), and just about any other symptom you can think of.
There are a wide variety of treatments for Lyme Disease. It is really important to catch it early and start treatment right away. If you don't, then it may disseminate throughout your body and become a more serious case. It seems every person responds differently to treatment also. The basic treatment for Lyme Disease is a short course of antibiotics. This is rarely enough. For more information on treatments please read this: Lyme Disease Treatments.
Lyme Disease is not the only infection that is passed by a tick bite. These other diseases have become known as "co-infections."
To read a list of co-infections and their symptoms start here:
Are you wrongly diagnosed?
Have you been diagnosed with for example ME/CFS, MS, Lupus (SLE), RA, ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, Crohn’s, IBS, various psychiatric diagnoses (from depression/anxiety to ADHD/ADD, Autism and schizophrenia)?
Check out the connections between all of these illnesses here:
The fact is that you might have infections (usually caused by various bacteria, and sometimes by viruses), causing unbearable symptoms, that you’ll only get symptom relieving medications for, instead of antibiotics that would go to the root of the problem so you would have the chance to become healthy instead of taking the wrong kinds of medication the rest of your life ….
Check here for the
Co-infection list:

Lyme spirochetes that enter the brain may cause hundreds of psychiatric diagnoses.
Click Here to See Articles and Studies related to the Psychiatric Manifestations of Lyme:
Getting a diagnosis is difficult, especially if you have gone a long time with Lyme disease and coinfections. In this case the bacteria have had time to spread throughout the body, and it is also not easy to get the right diagnosis quickly.
We are part of millions who got the wrong diagnoses. When we got to take more extensive tests abroad or at certain good laboratories, it has been shown that we are suffering from Lyme disease and co infections. Many who received treatment have improved and feel quite okay, according to studies, only around 6% don’t respond to Lyme disease treatment at the special clinics.
We know that, unfortunately, many who are seriously ill, don’t get the right help because of misdiagnosis. There are also many who haven’t yet gotten any diagnosis, but go in and out of the emergency room with many so-called ”diffuse” but very real symptoms, and are met by unsympathetic doctors. Many are finally driven to desperation.
But there is help available. We’ve gotten better (albeit not completely healthy yet) with the help of long-term antibiotic treatment and other alternative treatments. We now got rid of most of the vilest symptoms, and the wrong medications. The infections may have caused damage to our organs, so some symptoms may never disappear, but it can at least get better. We want to spread info about this to help others in the same situation, preferably before very severe complications have occurred.
Read more:
Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Irritable BowelSyndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Sick Building Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, learning disability, endometriosis, sensory-neural deafness, low vision, Chronic Soft Tissue Injury and Lyme Disease:
Distinct Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteomes Differentiate Post-Treatment Lyme Disease from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
Lyme-associated parkinsonism: a neuropathologic case study and review of the literature:
Bartonella and other infections found to mimic or maybe cause MS:
Fibromyalgia remission with malarone:
Paper associating Morgellons with spirochetal lillness (bovine digitalis):
Second paper finding spirochetes in lesion material of Morgellons sufferers:
Interview with Microbiologist Marianne Middleveen discussing the latest research. She is researching Morgellons and the one that found the spirochete in Morgellons patients lesions:
I have to say I stopped counting the number of things I was diagnosed with - everything from bipolar disorder, to M.S. to multiple personality disorder, OCD, I was tested for HIV, syphilis, meningitis, West Nile virus - and a slew of other diseases bacterial, viral, and psychological. I am now waiting to go get tested, again for co-infections because they best part about our f-cked up health care system is that every time you get tested for Lyme you're not getting the same test. It depends on what Lab you use and what they decide to test. So don't take a negative Lyme test to mean you're in the clear. In fact I'd say if you rule everything else out chances are Lyme is the culprit. Educate yourself and others & never give up. You don't need a medical degree to know your own body - you've been living with it longer then anybody else!
Have a Happy and Healthy Sunday my friends. Y'all come back now you hear? PEACE, Audrey
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