April 30, 2014

Find yourself a health buddy! (Buddy the health!)

buddy the elf quotes always make us smile!

I just had the best idea. My brother and I went shopping today and we were like 2 vegetarian tornadoes together in the store. We encourage each other to make healthy food decisions - to buy organic and to fill our carts in the produce aisle! It made me think how much easier it is to shop and stay healthy when you have backup! So my friends today's post is all about - togetherness! Woo hoo. My advice to you is to get yourself a healing buddy - I know it sounds very Sesame Street and that's fine. People of all ages can benefit from this simple idea. Find a friend, co-worker, someone at the gym, etc to be your healing buddy and help you make positive, healing decisions in your life. Depending on your situation and the appropriateness factor that you have to gauge yourself - find someone who is not your battle buddy for flare ups or recovery and discuss this idea with them. Go for THE BEST person you can think of. I promise you anyone who eats well, is sober now, is recovering from illness or simply learning to live with it did not get there by chance. 

Healing Quotes #quotes #sayings #words

We all have a wealth of knowledge to offer each other so it's time to take offline and out into your world. This person may help you decide your course of treatments, what diets to try, what foods to give up, how to start working out again, how to kick a bad habit but trust me it's always easier to stick with it when you have support. So find your healing buddy - don't say I DON'T HAVE ANYONE TO ASK. There's thousands of you out there and I am sure you know someone - if not ask around. Your not looking to hire a nutritionist just get your support systems more organized... get your ducks in a row. Have a plan, have some accountability and encouragement. I am here to do that but I bet if you ask someone especially someone who works at this stuff like I do... they will be happy to help. Just ask them to go grocery shopping with you. I guarantee I will eat happily and healthily for the next week and a half because I had some help today! That's a pretty great pay off for 2 hrs right? It doesn't have to be hard to be good remember. Sometimes it's as simple as picking up the phone and asking someone to back you up. Find your healing buddy and get out there - heal, live, love, learn!

Simple advice for a simply awesome reader! Happy to have you all here today. Y'all come back now you hear? And as always Have a Happy, Healthy, and Hopeful day my friends. 

Remember the buddy system.


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