May 14, 2014

EATING FOR PEACE: Part 3 - Eat with your head, instead of with your current habits...

Hello my friends! I am happy to have you back here Between Health and Wealth Avenues! I have a different type of post today - one of reflection instead of recommendation. I hope you enjoy it!

Imagine being in a motor boat that's tied to a dock with a length of rope. Imagine yourself on the dock, looking across the water at the shore in the distance. You get into the boat, find your balance, and take a seat. You start the engine, smelling the fumes of the fuel and slowly take off from the dock. You increase your speed, hearing the engine's growl grow. But wait did you forget something. You don't think about it - your eyes are on the shore. It grows closer and you go faster wanting to be there now; anticipating the feel and freedom that your destination promises. And suddenly you are jerked backwards. At first you believe you hit something - perhaps a log or shallow part of the water though you are well away from the dock and the water is deep and fast. You didn't untie your rope. Your boat is still tethered to the dock! 

If we don't untie the boat when we take off for the other shore we begin our journey just fine... we are making progress for awhile, until that rope runs out. Then we continue with the engine running, but are no longer making progress for our destination. We create a lot of smoke, waves, and commotion, perhaps we move from side to side or in and we certainly burn a lot of fuel! But we do not progress any further towards our destination. We make no further progress and may even be dragged backwards. 

The boat represents our body in this life. The other shore is the fulfillment of our physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual potential. The rope is our culturally induced practice of buying and then consuming harmful foods. 

The rope is not something we can severe easily. In fact it has to be untied with care. It is not something we'll break free of without a conscious effort to do so. 

photo courtesy of J/Boats, Newport, RI:

Our ever present potential beckons us. Changing our individual, daily food choices to reflect one of consciousness instead of consumerism will transform our mind, body and spirit both as individuals and as humans. 

We yearn to see enormous healing and liberation. We yearn for transformation, health and happiness. We yearn to be free. Awaken from the consensus trance that brings unquestioning conformity to our food choices! Evolve beyond the habit of conformity and comfort and start your journey free of this rope my friends. Untie your boat by practicing mindfulness when you make your meals. Eat to live!

When we untie the rope, we are free to go out across the waters and we may even end up reaching our destination and full potential! 

ALLOW YOURSELF TO ENTER THE PRESENT MOMENT MORE DEEPLY AND TO EXPERIENCE THE MYSTERY, JOY & BEAUTY OF BEING! Become a food activist in your own life and begin to eat with your head instead of your habits. 

A year ago I began to change my diet and started getting a lot more nutrition into me, The more I learned about where the food was coming from the more concerned I became regarding the long term affects on our bodies.

I decided it was time to make a conscious effort to incorporate changes that would have long term benefits. Today, I know my body better than I ever have and I understand how it responds to good, wholesome, natural ingredients. Know your body and listen to your soul, by eating with your head instead of your bad habits!

Change quote via Namaste Cafe at

As always dear friends, I wish you a happy, healthy and healing day. Y'all come back now, ya hear? Oh and don't forget to go untie that rope too - you don't want to burn out your engine! 

PEACE, Audrey

Ground yourself with a salt cave meditation session at Elements Spa in West Hartford, Connecticut. #saltcave #spa #meditation #chakras








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