I am always happy when I find other writers who inspire me. I picked up this book at random the other day at the local library. It's called "How sucessful people grow" by John Maxwell and I want to share a section of it here today. The author writes about how when we are children our minds and bodies grow automatically, visibly and quickly. We become stronger, taller, more capable, more independent and we face new challenges with vigor and gusto. How often have I looked at a child and said "if only I had their energy!". The fact is we do, it's just different. We can approach life as if everything can be tackled, much like a small child but we often choose not to, or we let our past failures and insecurities keep us from approaching life in such a way. "I think many people carry into adulthood a subconscious belief that mental, spiritual and emotional growth follows a similar pattern. Time goes by and we simply get better... The problem is we don't improve by simply living. We have to be intentional about it." (Maxwell, 2)
Well bravo Mr. Maxwell. You hit the nail on the head! We don't improve by accident - either as children or adults. We have to work for it, face failures, try and try again and most of all we have to be intentional about our improvements. We don't improve or learn simply because we grow older. It seems so obvious yet it's not and it may strike you as new knowledge - a new lesson; at least it did me. Once you're out of school learning becomes your responsibility - I wish we would teach our grads this instead of making them feel like they are finished. A diploma does not mean you're done with your education - in many ways it means it's just beginning. The process of growth is just that: a process - it has neither beginning or end, not if you're doing it right. So what's the point?

The point is quite simply, to grow. It's not about grades, or class ranking, or scholarships, or moving up the corporate ladder - those things are separate to your personal growth and we would be wise to remember this and make time for our own personal and spiritual growth. Now it's not easy. Nobody said it was - for starters it is a truly individualized enterprise.
Also there's no ribbons, or award ceremonies or applause along the way. You cannot gauge yourself against your classmates and there is no GPA involved. It's quite possibly the scariest and hardest educational endeavor imaginable. Worse still - there's no fudging it - a good interview will not balance out poor growth. You cannot re-take the test or get extended time. It is a process. A process not an endpoint. It's such a foreign way of thinking and approaching life for most of us that it's baffling. Many of us simply leave it for someone else to do. Let me make this one point crystal clear. Nobody will do this for you. There are no cliffs notes. There is no legacy to get you into the college of personal growth. It's all you my friend. Scared? That's okay. Just make sure you leave room for excitment and awe as well.
Remember being that small child - and dreaming of the day when you were grown and could make your own decisions. You could decide what to read, when to color, how late to stay up and who to sit next to... you have all these things. You have a library card right? Right? You have the same 24 hrs in a day as the rest of humanity. You have a brain and more decisions to make than you want - but if you realize what a huge gift; and opportunity this is for your own knowledge and personal growth you can truly grab life by the horns and seize the day... today, tomorrow and everyday of your life. Take ownership of your life by investing intentionally in your own growth. I can't tell you how exactly - and honestly would you want me to? Hell no. This is YOUR life my dear. Your choice, and your opportunity. Don't you dare let it pass you by without intentionally growing. Remember living is not growing - living is surviving. Growth is something more - it comes from a deeper place. It's spiritual, and religious, and intellectual, physical, and mental, it's anything and everything it means to be a human being living in the world community. Do with it what you please. But don't ignore it. Don't put it at the bottom of your priorities. This is you - and everything you embody.
Don't you want to know more? Aren't there things you seek to learn? Aren't their places - both physical and spiritual, that you long to discover? Think about what it is you want to do. If you have no idea - great! You have less baggage to carry around and your task is to be open to anything and everything that could possibly teach you, guide you, lead you - help you discover your passions. Whom do you want to be? How can you reach that goal - remember nothing is impossible so don't limit yourself or keep your answers small or commonplace.
Your growth opportunities are everywhere my friend - be open to the world and the world will open up to you. You'll accomplish more and be happier for it. Opportunities will find you. Teachers will appear and lessons will abound. If you aren't a little frightened then you're not doing it right. Now is the time to start growing. If you feel ready then you've waited too long! Once you start intentionally growing - the skies the limit. SO what are you waiting for - there's a world out there and it's exactly what the childhood version of yourself wanted access to... don't let that child down. Show them the kind of person you grew to be... are growing to be I should say. Expect to make mistakes, fall stumble, and get hurt. Embrace it - What toddler would learn to walk if they let their fear of falling run their lives. Be like a very small child - be intentional in your actions and intentional in your growth. Expect it to be messy - that's part of the fun. Learn to love the process and learn to love yourself. It's your imperfections that make you special afterall. Be open the growing - with all it's mess and glorious opportunities and never ever stop my friend. The world will thank you for it but more importantly that small child you once were will finally have someone worth looking up to.
Have a happy and healthy day dear friends. Peace, Audrey Elizabeth Korte
(Check out our new Twitter page friends: @avehealthwealth and don't forget to follow the blog - I love seeing your names and faces listed under followers! It helps me grow - LOL)
UA-55325064-1Well bravo Mr. Maxwell. You hit the nail on the head! We don't improve by accident - either as children or adults. We have to work for it, face failures, try and try again and most of all we have to be intentional about our improvements. We don't improve or learn simply because we grow older. It seems so obvious yet it's not and it may strike you as new knowledge - a new lesson; at least it did me. Once you're out of school learning becomes your responsibility - I wish we would teach our grads this instead of making them feel like they are finished. A diploma does not mean you're done with your education - in many ways it means it's just beginning. The process of growth is just that: a process - it has neither beginning or end, not if you're doing it right. So what's the point?

The point is quite simply, to grow. It's not about grades, or class ranking, or scholarships, or moving up the corporate ladder - those things are separate to your personal growth and we would be wise to remember this and make time for our own personal and spiritual growth. Now it's not easy. Nobody said it was - for starters it is a truly individualized enterprise.
Also there's no ribbons, or award ceremonies or applause along the way. You cannot gauge yourself against your classmates and there is no GPA involved. It's quite possibly the scariest and hardest educational endeavor imaginable. Worse still - there's no fudging it - a good interview will not balance out poor growth. You cannot re-take the test or get extended time. It is a process. A process not an endpoint. It's such a foreign way of thinking and approaching life for most of us that it's baffling. Many of us simply leave it for someone else to do. Let me make this one point crystal clear. Nobody will do this for you. There are no cliffs notes. There is no legacy to get you into the college of personal growth. It's all you my friend. Scared? That's okay. Just make sure you leave room for excitment and awe as well.
Remember being that small child - and dreaming of the day when you were grown and could make your own decisions. You could decide what to read, when to color, how late to stay up and who to sit next to... you have all these things. You have a library card right? Right? You have the same 24 hrs in a day as the rest of humanity. You have a brain and more decisions to make than you want - but if you realize what a huge gift; and opportunity this is for your own knowledge and personal growth you can truly grab life by the horns and seize the day... today, tomorrow and everyday of your life. Take ownership of your life by investing intentionally in your own growth. I can't tell you how exactly - and honestly would you want me to? Hell no. This is YOUR life my dear. Your choice, and your opportunity. Don't you dare let it pass you by without intentionally growing. Remember living is not growing - living is surviving. Growth is something more - it comes from a deeper place. It's spiritual, and religious, and intellectual, physical, and mental, it's anything and everything it means to be a human being living in the world community. Do with it what you please. But don't ignore it. Don't put it at the bottom of your priorities. This is you - and everything you embody.
Don't you want to know more? Aren't there things you seek to learn? Aren't their places - both physical and spiritual, that you long to discover? Think about what it is you want to do. If you have no idea - great! You have less baggage to carry around and your task is to be open to anything and everything that could possibly teach you, guide you, lead you - help you discover your passions. Whom do you want to be? How can you reach that goal - remember nothing is impossible so don't limit yourself or keep your answers small or commonplace.
Your growth opportunities are everywhere my friend - be open to the world and the world will open up to you. You'll accomplish more and be happier for it. Opportunities will find you. Teachers will appear and lessons will abound. If you aren't a little frightened then you're not doing it right. Now is the time to start growing. If you feel ready then you've waited too long! Once you start intentionally growing - the skies the limit. SO what are you waiting for - there's a world out there and it's exactly what the childhood version of yourself wanted access to... don't let that child down. Show them the kind of person you grew to be... are growing to be I should say. Expect to make mistakes, fall stumble, and get hurt. Embrace it - What toddler would learn to walk if they let their fear of falling run their lives. Be like a very small child - be intentional in your actions and intentional in your growth. Expect it to be messy - that's part of the fun. Learn to love the process and learn to love yourself. It's your imperfections that make you special afterall. Be open the growing - with all it's mess and glorious opportunities and never ever stop my friend. The world will thank you for it but more importantly that small child you once were will finally have someone worth looking up to.
Have a happy and healthy day dear friends. Peace, Audrey Elizabeth Korte
(Check out our new Twitter page friends: @avehealthwealth and don't forget to follow the blog - I love seeing your names and faces listed under followers! It helps me grow - LOL)