Plant Based Solutions by Dr Mitra Ray
"Over 90% of your calories should come from the plant-kingdom: vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds. These foods provide the body with the essential nutrients necessary for a long and healthy life. Processed foods and animal products are the mainstay of the catastrophe that is the American diet and they are responsible for the current obesity and chronic illness statistics. This is no longer up for scientific debate. The New York Times has recognized The China Study (China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project) as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology”, and the “most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.” This study has shown us that animal products in our diet are the main cause of most of the chronic illness we face today.
So what to do:
- Eat more plants
- Avoid processed foods and animal products (restrict to less than 10% of your caloric intake)
- Take a whole-food, plant-based supplement. As a biochemist, the one I recommend to clients is backed by independent, clinical studies – Juice Plus+®" (go to
Protein for Vegetarians by Emily Esmaili (
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
When someone finds out you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, what’s the first question they ask? “Where do you get your protein?” Sigh. You’d think I would have a canned answer all prepared, but honestly, I am most often rendered speechless at how successfully the meat industry has swayed public opinion to thinking that the ONLY way we can get enough protein is by consuming large quantities of dead animals.
First of all, the idea of the body needing large quantities of protein is not supported by science. Protein also cannot be stored in the body, so consuming large quantities of protein overtaxes the liver and kidneys. There is evidence that too much protein in the diet can lead to osteoporosis and even kidney disease. (Source: Americans tend to eat double the daily amount required, largely due to their increased intake of animal products in comparison to other countries. (Source:
Second, it is also a fallacy that only animal products contain sufficient protein for proper nutrition. For example, take a look at the following listing of fruits and vegetables and their protein content (all in grams per 100 calories):
Red Tomatoes 3
Strawberries 2
Cherries 1.5
Spinach 12
Broccoli 11
Brussels Sprouts 11
Kale 11
That’s a list of only the fruits and vegetables! Now let’s head over to the legumes and beans:
Soybean Sprouts 13.5
Kidney Beans 6.5
Tofu 11
Lentils 7
So even using the WebMd standard of how much protein an adult requires on a daily basis (46g for a woman, 56g for a man), you can see how easy it would be to eat enough protein using just the ingredients above. Even athletes need only a slight amount more protein, which is usually satisfied by their increased calorie intake.
I Googled “vegetarian and protein” just to see how many articles like this were out there, and I lost count. So it’s up to us to have that answer ready when we are asked, even if it is canned, and not assume it’s a settled issue.
1. Mangels, Reed, PhD, RD. “Protein in the Vegan Diet.” – The Vegetarian Resource Group. Simply Vegan, 5th Edition, n.d. Web.
2. ”The Protein Myth.” PCRM. N.p., n.d. Web.
3. Dave, Adam. “The Grams of Protein in Fruits & Vegetables.” LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., 10 Nov. 2010. Web.
4. Nierenberg, Cari. “How Much Protein Do You Need?” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web.
So what is whole plant based food?
Whole plant based food is all plant foods with little to no processing and as close to their original source as possible. Think apples from a tree. Beans off a vine. Seeds from the ground or from inside a plant. Whole plant foods include all fruits, all vegetables, whole grains (as close to source as possible), raw nuts and seeds, and beans. It also includes fermented foods, sprouted foods, and super foods.
To be whole, the plant food needs to be processed as little as possible. Fruits and vegetables are easy to eat whole, but finding whole grains is much harder. Most grains are heavily processed. Certainly if you’re looking at a box or package of food at a grocery store (or even health food store), you’re looking at processed food. Of course the degree of processing can vary a lot, so that also affects the relative healthfulness of a food product.
Foods made with flours are processed foods. This includes everything from cookies, to muffins, to crackers, and even the best of breads. Even if you seek out breads made exclusively with whole grain flours, the flour is still a refined food. So when eating whole, plant based food, you want to be cooking or preparing most of your food and not buying prepackaged fare.(
In today’s world, it’s hard to eat whole foods and to cook all your meals. It’s just not realistic for most of us. So when I talk about whole plant based eating, I’m talking about eating as much whole, plant based food as you can. I’m not talking about perfection and I’m not talking about never eating packaged foods. It’s just helpful and certainly the most healthy and sustainable to eat home cooked foods. But, I certainly can’t do it as much as I would like, and imagine that most my readers are the same. It’s about striving to eat as best as you can and to learn strategies and techniques to make better eating more frequent.
So why eat this way?
What are the benefits of eating plant based?
Wow. Well, there are so many. The two biggest reasons to eat whole, plant based diets are for health and for the planet.
There’s probably little else better for you for your health than adopting a plant based diet. If done well, eating plant based foods not only prevents disease, but may even reverse it. Dr’s Fuhrman, Dougall, Barnard, Campbell, and Esselstyn have all seen the power of plant based diets in their work with patients. Dr. Fuhrman has literally helped 1,000′s of patients lose weight and reverse diseases of all kinds. Dr. Esselstyn is famous for his success in helping patients with serious Heart Disease change course and gain years of life after being given deadly diagnoses. Each of these doctors is a pioneer in showcasing the power of plant based diet on health. Dr. Barnard specializes in helping his patients reverse diabetes with plant based diets, and both Esselstyn and Campbell have researched and written about the scientific healing power of plant foods. Dr. Campbell has even produced the largest, most comprehensive nutritional study on diet and found that as much as 70-80% of disease could be eliminated simply by adopting a plant based diet! Since I don’t want to write a book here myself, let it be said that I’m just scratching the surface of the power of plants to heal.
In addition to the many experts above, I too have personally experienced my own health transformation from eating plant based.
Besides offering disease protection from the worst and most common chronic and deadliest diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and more, eating plant based leads to incredible energy and immunity. It provides the body with protective mechanisms and gives the body the nourishment it needs to not only function, but excel, even in a heavily polluted world. How is this possible? Much of a plant’s power goes to its phytochemicals.

Phytochemicals rank as leaders in food nutrition and yet still remain largely a mystery. Fruits and vegetables are the most powerful plant sources of phytochemicals and that’s why you want to make them the largest portion of your diet. Scientists are still discovering the extent of phytochemicals and their capabilities, but they now understand just how super important they are to our bodies and to our health. Some examples of phytochemicals you may have heard of include: cartenoids, polyphenols, lycopene, sulfides, and reservatrol. One great basic reference for them is the Cancer Project’s Nutrition Rainbow Chart.
In addition to the powerful disease fighting capabilities of plants, there are dozens, if not hundreds of possible health benefits that you could experience from going to a plant based diet. Not only will many physical symptoms go away like headaches, pain, and indigestion, but you’ll reap enormous physical, mental, and even emotional benefits. These may include:
-feeling energized, vital, and alive!
-uplifting your mood
-improved sleep
-less sickness and more resilience
-weight loss
-skin clearing and brightening
-reduced or elimination of cravings
-no more headaches, indigestion, bloating, or heartburn
-enhanced taste buds
-enjoy food more
-improve your numbers in cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and cholesterol
-reverse or improve insulin resistance, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and many more diseases and illness
-increased confidence
-more passion
-feeling good about your choice
-be a shining example to children, family, and friends
And this list is not a complete one of all of what you could experience!

-A meat eater’s diet creates 7 times more Greenhouse Emissions than a vegan eater.
-About half of the water used in the US is used to raise animals for food.
-Livestock grazing is the number one cause of plant species being threatened or going extinct in the US.
- See more at:
In case you're concerned that going plant based is going to be too hard here's a great write up BY AMANDA FROELICH about 10 ways to start adding more plants to your diet! (
We all know that eating healthier should be a top priority, so when top researchers and doctors ("The China Study" by Colin T. Campbell, "Forks over Knives" documentary, and "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" by Caldwin Esselstyn) suggest improving your diet, there's no more denying that the time to start is now. However, food addictions caused by refined sugars, emotional issues, personal beliefs, and lack of willpower can make the journey to eating healthy pretty difficult.
For that reason, below are ten ways to start incorporating more plant-based foods into your lifestyle to achieve better health, a longer life, and improved vitality.
1) Start slowly
Everyone knows that the mighty oak didn't just become a sturdy and wise patron of the woods in one day. No, from the time it was a young sapling it endured pests, competition, scary loggers, and drought. The journey is its legacy, and great change didn't happen overnight. Like your journey to better health, it starts with a first step; take it slow, be kind with your efforts, and in time you'll look back and realize how far you've come from that choice to just start.
2) Green smoothie rule
Every morning, make an effort to include a green smoothie as your main staple for breakfast. Although they might look a little funny, green smoothies are one of the best ways to jump start your day with nutrition and easily digested foods which will give you more energy, mental clarity, and a strong start to your healthy lifestyle.
The following recipe is very basic, delicious, and liked by everyone!
1 banana, cut into chunks
1 mango, peeled and cut into chunks
1-2 handfuls spinach
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 to 1 cup of fruit of your choice, cut into chunks
1 to 1.5 cups of water or your choice of nut/seed milk
*Once you get used to the taste, try adding some green powders, spices (cinnamon), or more greens to your blend!
1. Puree ingredients in blender on high until smooth.
2. Eat all at once, or divide into two servings and store in an airtight container in the fridge. When it comes out of the fridge, it will have thickened, so give it a brisk stir (or use a small whisk) and enjoy!
3) Eat fruit first
You don't want to explain the gas you're experiencing through the day as resulting from "eating healthier," do you? You (or we) don't want that to occur in the first place, and since gas can turn anyone off to eating healthier, follow this simple rule: Eat fruit first! When you consume fruit on top of other foods, it can start to ferment in the digestive tract and cause gas! When you eat fruit first, not only do you get filled up with healthy fiber, antioxidants, and nutritious, hydrating food, but you will offset the "gaseous" problem and will feel a lot better in result!
4) Choose your snacks wisely
Snacking: the dreaded culprit many try to avoid, then end up binging on unhealthy foods later because they're so starved! There's nothing wrong with eating small portions throughout the day -- as long as they are healthy options -- as this can actually boost your metabolism and keep your blood sugar stable.. The following are some great healthy snacks:
Veggies and nut butter
Kale chips (make your own or health food stores carry them)
Green smoothie stored in jars
Healthy bar alternatives: KIND bars, Larabars, or homemade granola
Dehydrated crackers
By planning your snacks, you avoid the usual "planning to fail" routine that happens when you're empty-handed and alone with the vending machine.
5) Educate yourself
How can you stick to or spread your new found wisdom if you don't actually believe it or understand it? It's very important to know the basics of not only why you are adopting a healthier lifestyle, but how it is safe and important. Reading up on topics like why eating healthier is good for your health, the planets, and your family; why you are doing this; and the fundamentals of any lifestyle change you are adopting and how to plan ahead will help keep you strong in times that you will inevitably find yourself facing questions. People don't like to be made uncomfortable about the habits they know are unhealthy, so it's much easier to pressure others into relapsing through Arby's or fried takeout. Build your platform and stick with it!
6) Set goals
Instead of just educating yourself on why it's a good idea to adopt healthier lifestyle habits, also make it a priority to form at least five reasons you want to do this as well! For example:
Play with your kids
Look better
Feel better
Have more energy
Be excited about life
These are all important intrinsic motivations that will keep you going strong when it gets tough to make healthier choices. Yes, McDonald's looks appealing, but doesn't enjoying a lovely home-cooked meal with your kiddos -- sharing in healthier options so you can spend more time together in the future -- sound even better? Thought so.
7) Find joy in pure simplicity -- banana smoothies!
It's not that complicated. And the great thing about eating closer to nature is that not only is it simple, it's delicious! My favorite types of meals are the ones that don't take that much time to create. Believe it or not, one of my favorite snacks, breakfasts, or treats is indulging in a big blender-full of frozen banana smoothie!
I've tried it out on many of my friends, and they always say, "Mmmmm...that is SO good!" All it includes is:
Banana Smoothie Milkshake!
5 frozen bananas
1 tsp vanilla powder
1-2 cups of water or almond milk
Blend, consume, get happy, and realize that nature provides us with everything we need! No need to consume chemically abundant, mucous-forming versions which are full of animal hormones and artificial sugars. This one is way better... and so simple!
8) Share, Share, Share
There's nothing better, in my opinion, than sharing the positive benefits I've experienced from my life changes with the food I create. Sharing a raw, vegan brownie to a self-proclaimed "fast food addict" and having her face light up is so inspiring. Knowing that a lifestyle change which includes more plant-based foods can curb rising obesity issues, health diseases, and emotional insecurities is even more inspirational, and it begins with sharing with others. Whether you do this through a vegan treat, a vegetable-rich version of pasta and marinara, or just speaking with someone you love, you're doing a service to the world by sharing your experience, your passion, and giving more to others to help improve their own lives.
How can sharing help you on your plant-based journey? Because we are all in this together and that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when inspiring someone else can help keep you on your path for better change. It starts with a conscious choice; it begins with you!
9) Be smart, go at your own pace
You know your body better than any doctor or test, therefore if something feels good (like drinking a green smoothie -- or three, wink wink), continue to add more plant foods into your diet and experience better health at your own pace! Sometimes we can include too much simple, raw, plant foods into our diet and our body detoxes too fast. This makes some people really reconsider the whole "healthy diet" thing. Therefore, know that you're likely going to get rid of junk you've accumulated from eating an unhealthy diet and improve your life at a rate that best serves you.
Sometimes you'll want to indulge. If that's what keeps you on track, do it! The whole journey of getting healthy is just that: a journey. Look at it from a lifetime perspective and always have faith in your ability to do the best you can, at a pace which is best for you and your body.
10) Keep track of success on all levels!
Clearer mind, smokin' body, smoother skin, lost weight, healthier attitude -- mark it all down and keep it as improvement inspiration! Nothing encourages repetitive actions like results, so look forward to continued improvement with a journal, hold yourself accountable, and celebrate the small and big changes!
Remember, ultimately the choice to change comes down to you, and with these 10 steps it should be even easier. You can do it!
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