This year I became a plant based eater - I still occasionally enjoy meat and fish but only organic, grass fed, free range, from local farms and fisherman where I know the animals are well fed and antibiotic free. 95% of the time I stick to a gluten free vegetarian diet of whole foods, and fresh produce. Organic whenever possible. Plant based diets have become all the rage this year and for good reason!
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(April 22nd, 2013)
"Going meatless just one day a week can not only improve your health (lowering your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity), it’s also good for the globe. Did you know that by choosing to cut out meat every Monday you’re playing a key role in helping the environment by…
Preserving water resources
The water requirements of meat production are enormous. Producing a quarter-pound of beef, for example, requires over 1,000 gallons of water, by most estimates. This can be up to 100 times more water than is needed to produce plant-based proteins.Water pollution is also a serious side effect of industrial meat production. Fertilizers and pesticides used to grow animal feed crops, and waste generated by industrial food animal production facilities, pollute waterways and threaten ecosystems.
Minimizing fossil fuel consumption
It takes approximately 20 times the amount of fossil fuel energy to produce conventional beef protein than plant-based protein.
Animal agriculture contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating worldwide climate change at an alarming rate. Despite uncertainties in projections, climate change is viewed as a major threat to public health, food security, freshwater supplies and ecosystems across the globe.
There are, of course, many other things you can do to lessen your environmental impact. But taking part in Meatless Monday is a critical — and easily implementable — first step.
Looking for other ways to green all 52 of your Meatless Mondays throughout the year?
Check out these easy and fun ideas:
Visit a farmers’ market
Purchasing locally grown food is a great way to get fresh, seasonal, tasty and healthy ingredients. From asparagus in spring to squash in fall, your local market offers a wealth of delicious veggies and fruits. And because the distance from farm to market is usually small, a lot less fuel is needed to transport the produce directly to you — which is good for the planet.
Need help finding a market near you? The website Local Harvest maintains a database of farmers’ markets nationwide. And when you go to the market, don’t forget to bring your own bag!
Plant a garden
Buying locally grown produce is great — harvesting your own vegetables and herbs is even better! The whole family will love planting, caring for, and eventually picking and cooking what you grow. Don’t have space for a garden? You can still grow delicious herbs in a window box placed in a sunny spot inside your home.
Spread the message
It’s great if you and your family have pledged to go Meatless Monday, but why not get the whole community involved? Schools, restaurants, offices and hospitals can all do their part for personal and environmental health. Check out the Community toolkit for tips on bringing Meatless Monday to your town."
So start your 52 Meatless Mondays TODAY! Your body and the planet will thank you. Also remember to try to eat less from a box and more from the earth today and everyday. That was Step 1 in our dietary makeover. You'll get Step 2 tomorrow my friends. For those of you who are considering going vegetarian more then 1 day a week consider the following - based on a write up in US News...
From The vegetarian diet - an article rating plant based diets:
Pro's & Con's to going vegetarian:
Nutritionally sound
Heart healthy (if you plan it right)
Might miss the meat
Can be lots of work
Good for Weight Loss Short-term
Good for
Weight Loss Long-term
Easy to Follow
Great for Nutrition
Good For Diabetes
Good For Heart Health
Type: Balanced.
Resembles these U.S. News-rated diets: Vegan Diet, Eco-Atkins
The aim: Depends, but may include weight loss, heart health, and diabetes prevention or control.
The claim: Going vegetarian could help shed pounds and fend off chronic diseases.
The theory: You can cook up a perfectly healthy, meat-free menu that supports weight loss and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
How does the Vegetarian Diet work?
Well, which kind of vegetarian do you want to be? Most choose a lacto-ovo approach, turning their backs on meat, fish, and poultry but still eating dairy products and eggs. (Lacto-vegetarians, meanwhile, also nix eggs, whereas ovo-vegetarians also nix dairy; vegans exclude all animal products.) For the lacto-ovo camp, the government’s 2010 Dietary Guidelines can help you develop a healthy plan. You can skip over the first 80 pages and just figure out how many meatless calories you should eat (Appendix 6, page 78) and where they ought to come from (Appendix 8, page 81) to get all the nutrients you need.
Will you lose weight?
Likely. Research shows vegetarians tend to eat fewer calories, weigh less, and have a lower body mass index (a measure of body fat) than their meat-eating counterparts. If you’re doing it right—eating lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains—you’ll likely feel full on fewer calories than you’re allowed each day. With that “calorie deficit” and a little physical activity, you’re bound to shed pounds. How quickly and whether you keep them off is up to you.

Does it have cardiovascular benefits?
Yes, provided you create a healthy plan (a French fries and doughnut diet counts as vegetarian). Research has linked vegetarian diets to reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease. As long as you’re not devouring copious calories and you’re monitoring your saturated fat intake, you’ll tilt the heart-disease odds in your favor.
Can it prevent or control diabetes?
Yes, it’s a good option for both.
Are there health risks?
No, as long as you create a sensible plan.
How well does it conform to accepted dietary guidelines?
If you make healthful choices, you should stay within the government’s recommendation that between 20 to 35 percent of daily calories come from fat.
Protein. It should keep you within the acceptable range for protein consumption.
Carbohydrates. It’s in line with the recommendation that carbs supply 45 to 65 percent of daily calories.
Salt. The majority of Americans eat too much salt. The recommended daily maximum is 2,300 milligrams, but if you’re 51 or older, African-American, or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease, that limit is 1,500 mg. It’s up to you to stay under your cap, but it shouldn’t be too hard if you eat enough fresh produce, ditch heavily processed foods, and hide the salt shaker.
Other key nutrients. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines call these “nutrients of concern” because many Americans get too little of one or more of them:
Fiber. Getting the recommended daily amount of 22 to 34 grams for adults helps you feel full and promotes good digestion. You’ll stay within or above that range.
Potassium. A sufficient amount of this important nutrient, according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, counters salt’s ability to raise blood pressure, decreases bone loss, and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones. It’s not that easy to get the recommended daily 4,700 mg. from food. (Bananas are high in potassium, yet you’d have to eat 11 a day.) The majority of Americans take in far too little. Lots of lacto-ovo-friendly foods—produce, beans, and dairy products—are potassium powerhouses. You should at least come close to the recommendation.
Calcium. It’s essential not only to build and maintain bones but to make blood vessels and muscles function properly. Many Americans don’t get enough. Women and anyone older than 50 should try especially hard to meet the government’s recommendation of 1,000 to 1,300 mg. Since you’re allowed dairy products, you should have no trouble. (Ovo-vegetarians may struggle but dark-green veggies like collard greens, kale, and broccoli are good, dairy-free alternatives.)
Vitamin B-12. Adults should shoot for 2.4 micrograms of this nutrient, which is critical for proper cell metabolism. Focus on yogurt and fortified foods, like cereals, to help ensure you meet the requirement.
Vitamin D. Adults who don’t get enough sunlight need to meet the government’s 15 microgram recommendation with food or a supplement to lower the risk of bone fractures. Low-fat dairy and fortified cereals will help you meet the requirement.
Supplement recommended? N/A
How easy is it to follow?
How much do you like meat? If the thought of a turkey-free Thanksgiving isn’t a turn off, making the switch probably won’t be too hard. Plus you’re free to decide what you can’t live without (omelets? ice cream?) and whether you’ll cheat on occasion. Be mindful that healthy vegetarianism requires planning, especially if you’re a first-time convert.
When you want to cook, there’s a recipe somewhere that’ll suit your taste buds. When you don’t, virtually every restaurant serves up vegetarian fare. And while alcohol is technically permitted, that’s not license to binge drink.
Nutrition experts emphasize the importance of satiety, the satisfied feeling that you’ve had enough. If you’ve built a healthful vegetarian diet around fiber-packed veggies, fruits, and whole grains, you shouldn’t feel hungry between meals.
You’re making everything, so if something doesn’t taste good, you know who to blame.
How much does it cost?
It’s moderately pricey. Stocking up on produce and whole grains can get expensive, but bypassing the butcher will help keep the tab reasonable. Plus, lacto-ovo vegetarian staples like eggs and beans are some of the most affordable choices at the supermarket.
Does the diet allow for restrictions and preferences?
Vegetarian diets can be easily adapted!
May I suggest you all take a moment to read a fantastic article I found on about people who went meatless waaaaay back in the day. It's fantastic! It can be found here:
For great meatless monday recipes go to the source at:
I also have started a pinterest file this year for recipes that are vegetarian and gluten free. I have not tried all of them but the ones I have turned out great. Check it out here:
Here are links to my websites:
Y'all come back now you here? Have a happy and healthy, and meatless, Monday! ; ) Peace, Audrey
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