Your past is not your future. Let me just give you a moment to pause and consider how profound this is. It sounds so sensical - obvious even. But we are emotional and instinctual beings. Once we come to expect things to be a certain way we are in essence moving towards that expectation and creating our own destiny even if it's on a semiconscious level. You may expect the bottom to drop out, to be ill on holidays, to have chronic illness or injuries flare up at the most inappropriate times or during the most important events of your life. It's when you start setting yourself up for failure that you need to get concerned and most of us do this more then we realize; or are willing to admit to ourselves. If you have missed Christmas eve Church for 6 years due to Lyme or fibromyalia why should expect any different this year?
I'll TELL YOU WHY! Because it makes that year you make it back a little but sweeter. I am basking in the glow after my first truly successful holiday in years. And it wasn't for lack of trying on anybody's part. I did my best and so did those around me. The problem is this disease breeds isolation - at epidemic levels. The battles are so lonely, so hard to explain or describe to those uninitiated. The worst thing is talking to a Lyme pup - one who has been ill for under a year. You are waiting to see if they join the ranks of the chronically ill or if they bounce back - how much do you share. How do you inspire and aid another in the midst of your own battle? You do it by changing the way you think. This is something I have touched on many times on this blog. That's because it is the most important catalyst into a new chapter, a new Lyme life. It is something you can work on everyday no matter where you are or what you battle.
If you feel this is something that could help you may I suggest talking to someone one on one about it today. Find your battle buddies. Here in the U.S. most people a lot of people are still off work today and will be around. Use the time wisely. Pick up the phone or sit down for a heart to heart and confide in someone around you about your desire & PLAN TO CHANGE YOUR OWN MIND in the coming months and years. It will be something you need to commit to and work on daily. Think of it as your mental yoga poses.
Let me give you some advice - if you are battling anything chronic and you don't make to to work on your emotional and mental strength daily you will not get stronger on either of those fronts. And that's a shame. That's like going running once a month and trying to run a marathon everytime. Instead why don't you do a jog daily and then when the marathons roll around you will have better endurance and running habits too! This is truly one side of coping that you can do regularly and without setting yourself up to fail. It's a win-win
So where to start: Like I said get a battle buddy or two. Reach out in support groups, to friends or online and actively look for a partner in crime, possibly two. If you do it in a team it's less likely that all parties will be in a bad place at the same time - that's when a battle buddy becomes trouble. It's not a complaint buddy - it needs to be someone who can motivate, inspire and support regardless of what's happening on their end. If you think you can provide this to another person then certainly reach out today. Then you are both helping and being helped and you 've made a huge 1st step here.

So once you are working on battle buddies you need to start researching. I want you to find 3 new support systems for yourself this week. Make a new friend, go to an AA meeting if you need and haven't in awhile, go to Mass, go to yoga. Something you haven't been doing but used to or always wanted to would be good for you. Then find 2 new online communities - and don't just click join this site but become an active participant. Feel free to use this blog site as one of your three just as a way to connect.

If you do both of these between now and next Monday you are in good shape! Congratulations you just made a commitment to happier, healthier you!
Have a happy and healthy day my friends. Don't forget to click join this site or become a member over to the right side of the post. Welcome to the community new members! Glad to have you on board. Y'all come back now you hear? Peace, Audrey
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