The Mayday Project is an organization dedicated to rally and protest against the multitude of injustices that continue to be inflicted upon those that suffer from Lyme disease and other tick borne illness, and expose the truths, through a unified voice, annually, while encouraging meaningful research, education, advocacy, and unwavering support throughout the year. We stand to be a voice for those who are too sick to fight.
Check out the video on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPe19Aw5XG4#t=101
Ever wonder what someone with late stage Lyme suffers through? Since the majority of us look rather healthy, and people tend to judge off looks, maybe it's best if we look at what one of the top Dr's in the field of treating Lyme disease had to say.
"Most of my HIV patients used to die ... now most don't ... Some still do, of course. My Lyme patients, the sickest ones, want to die but they can't.

That's right, they want to die but they can't. The most common cause of death in Lyme disease is suicide. In the current day, if one compares HIV/AIDS to Lyme Borreliosis Complex patients in issues of 1) access to care, 2) current level of science, and 3) the levels of acceptance by doctors and the public, patients suffering with advanced Lyme Borreliosis Complex have an inferior quality of life compared to those with HIV/AID"
Dr. Jemseck
Pretty brutal right? What's even more brutal is how few know about the disease and its devastating effects. The CDC this year admitted that the US has over 300k cases per year. Much, much more than aids. Then why no news or publicity on this.
Who's holding the million dollar fundraisers for research or getting large grants for treatment research and a cure. No one, if you want to save your life folks you're going to need to fight for it. While it sounds extreme, take note of what dying aids patients did to get what they need to now live normal semi healthy lives.

A large scale protest at the IDSA Hq in Arlington, VA with what we hope to be nationwide media coverage. But how does this happen. You, anyone of you that can stand or sit in a wheel chair and let your voice be heard, hold a sign, talk to an exiting idsa Dr or employee. So many are falling by the way and nothing is being done. What must it take for those of us who are sick to realize we have to take this into our own hands and fight for what it is we deserve. These should be basic human rights.
Consider sick or healthy joining us in May at the IDSA Hq. The time for change is now!

This year change will happen. Change starts with you! Please plan to attend as we protest the IDSA headquarters on a very large scale. Save the date! May 22-23, 2014
Please share our page, along with the Mayday 2014 event page, for updates. More details forthcoming.
So friends as I said I have missed you terribly. I have been stuck in Lyme purgatory all week but am back to kicking Lyme butt today! LOL I hope you will take some time to read through the information on May Day! Make a donation or start making plans to attend the rally in Virginia! This is our time to raise our voices and our spirits together. It will be here faster then we realize so let's start planning now. Hope to see some of you there! And for those who are too sick to travel feel free to send me letters or statements you want made down there. I will keep researching and bring you as much info as I can ok? As always I wish you a happy and healthy day, week and month! Let's kick some Lyme butt together. I'm ticked off! Are you?
Peace, Audrey
You can also follow me on pinterest and twitter!

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