difficulties, disappointments & disease
HELLO FRIENDS! Glad to have you back here with me today. First of all I want to thank everyone for their support and for reading. I am happy to report almost 7,000 hits on this site, a great bunch of regular readers from 19 countries and for that this blog-girl is grateful! I do hope you will click JOIN THIS SITE and become a member here so I can start faces with names and know my audience a little bit better. I have connected with a few of you on twitter, facebook and over the phone and am happy to have some new friends across the globe with insight and intelligence who can help me handle my disease and diet better.
We can so much together! I admit I am thinking about writing a book and would love to know if people would be interested in that so use the comments section or send me a message - let's keep it positive and supportive 'cause what we do here.

Today I want to examine an issue that comes up for of us who are battling long term illnesses and injuries... difficult people. No - I'm not talking about you but if that's what you thought maybe you should examine that this weekend LOL. I am referring mostly to friends, family and health professionals that you have had relationships with prior to getting sick. People that you turn to who may turn on you. I wish I had a magic spell to get people to knock it off but I don't. I do have lots of experience with being angered, outraged, let down by the safety nets we all think are in place with our loved ones should anything as heinous as Lyme happen. Sadly one of the hardest lessons I have learned is that we get no HOW-TO MANUAL for disease and neither do our friends and loved ones. This second part is important to remember. Sometimes people lash out at you, belittle you, call you names, leave you hanging, leave you isolated in illness, and don't show up when you need them most. It really sucks but it sucks for them to.

As I get healthier mentally and physically I am overwhelmed when I think back to the ways I have tried to deal with this disease in the past - ways that failed me and those around me. I am trying to let go of this sense that it is somehow my fault. I don't know what I'm doing or how I've survived some of this stuff but I have. And while it is important to ask for help, not un-isolate, to be vulnerable you also need to know at the end of the day this is your struggle. Therefore anybody who stands with you is a blessing to you - focus on that aspect instead of the people you lose along the way. I do understand that sometimes you can't help someone and the longer you watch them battle illness, injury, addiction etc the more difficult your life becomes. Not everyone can handle this kind of craziness. The Lyme life is a tough one - I am trying to look at it like a blessing. I am not their yet but I am trying. I believe someday I will get there. I have been astounded at the strength I have encountered in others I have connected with over the past few months and slowly am recognizing many of weaknesses as strengths again. WE ARE SURVIVORS HUH?

So let me put this out there - be kind, courteous and fair in your expectations of others and of yourself. Remind yourself you didn't ask for any of this but neither did your friends and family. Reach out to appropriate contacts for help - counseling, community and those that can help your body & mind get stronger. Use those resources you have - and if you're lacking in resources I have dozens now; maybe I can help. Vent your frustrations to those who can offer advice and wisdom instead of to those you are frustrated with - that is a long and ceaseless cycle of arguments, stress, disappointment, and false expectations. See what others have to say and listen earnestly - sometimes we don't want to hear things but need to. Be fair to your family and friends - don't shut them out, don't lean too long or hard on them if you can help it. They do their best to - at least that's what I want to believe. And make sure to love yourself! You are amazing and inspiring and you don't need anyone around you who can't see that! I am so happy to have you here and hope you will return.

I wish you Health, Happiness, and Hope this weekend and blessings always. Be kind to yourself and others and just breath. The rest will fall into eventually.
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