May 19, 2014


setback noun
a change in status for the worse usually temporarily; a problem that makes progress more difficult or success less likely. 

We all experience Setbacks at some point in our lives. Those moments or even days where we thought we had already let go, moved ahead and gotten beyond that dark cloud over our heads. 

A setback is a single event or specific series of events that impedes your forward progress as an individual or organization.They’re one-time, one-of-a-kind occurrences that may leave you wondering why you’re doing health or community work at all or why you bother trying to treat your health condition in the first place and move forward with your life when you know that condition may be permanent or at least have permanent  effects. Perhpas they haven’t exactly defeated you, but they’ve caused you to pull back and regroup in the best of circumstances. In the worst they cause you to pull back and retreat entirely; even to give up.

Remember that you do have a choice. You can decide whether you'll allow your depression to overpower you or if you'll fight back. You don't have to give up.
Facing setbacks and adversity is a character- and leadership-building experience that all leaders – in fact, all humans – go through. Each time you have to deal with difficulties, you gain new knowledge and new skills, personal as well as professional. Being tested in this way is how great leaders become great leaders, and it’s how you can begin to realize your leadership potential.
Setbacks with medical conditions including addictions and chronic diseases, aren't going to remedy themselves and certainly won't be a quick fix! Your action may be longer term and ongoing.  You’re working to overcome not a single event, but a condition: it may take a while, and call for various kinds and levels of action.  The important factor here is perseverance – you have to keep at it until things get better.  Sometimes an adverse situation can call for quick action to keep it from getting worse, but generally it requires steadiness and a commitment to moving forward regardless of the difficulty.


You are meant to be great.    Source:

If you approach setbacks and adversity as opportunities for growth, you can not only keep yourself steady, but move forward back towards the place of health and happiness and a commitment to excellence. Even if you make mistakes – perhaps especially if you do – the experience can lead to a greater understanding of your situation and your work, and help to advance the organization. Remember that the Chinese symbol for “crisis” is made up of the symbols for “danger” and “opportunity.” You may not be in crisis, but any setback or adverse situation presents both danger and opportunity. If you keep opportunity in the foreground, the chances are that you will survive and come out stronger - I will have to let you know how tis works for me this week - as I was literally just released from the hospital due to my own setback....

Here's my tips (and my advice to myself which I vow to try and take myself!)

# 1 It’s essential that you maintain a calm and confident manner, no matter how difficult or bleak the situation may seem

#2 Don't go it alone! 

Let everyone know exactly what’s going on, and keep them informed as the situation develops. 

#3 Do something – it’s crucial that people see that someone is taking charge and addressing the situation. The action may not be an immediate solution to the problem at hand, but it should at least convey the impression that you’re working on it.

#4 Ask yourself what seems to have caused it?  Are there ways around it? Are there things you could do that would affect it?  Try to analyze the situation so you can understand how to deal with it. Was it within your control? If not let go of the guilt! (WORKING ON THIS MYSELF!)

#5 DON'T GIVE UP! Keep developing and striving to improve if you are to, once again, become and then remain effective. You may have been pushed back, or you may be stalled by adverse circumstances, but your thrust should always be forward, rather than just to retain or regain ground. Everyone involved should be concentrating on the future and on moving ahead, as well as on coping with current troubles. Forward! Full steam ahead - always think this way even when the body isn't cooperating...


Keep things upbeat and focused on what’s going right, not what’s going wrong. You can’t ignore the problem or the difficult situation, but you can emphasize that that’s not all that’s happening. 

#7  Find a source of support for yourself – a counselor, a fellow director, a spiritual advisor, a close friend – who can listen to and empathize with your frustrations and exhaustion, and remind you of what you’re doing right. It can make a world of difference

Overcoming Multiple Setbacks, The Diamond’s Inspire Others | ViSalus Blog

#8 Remember that this situation is probably only temporary. Don’t allow it to cloud your vision or derail your mission. 

The real measure of a leader comes when things aren’t going well. How she handles setbacks and adversity determines both how good a leader she is, and how people will view her leadership.

So here's wishing us all a Happy, Healthy and Healing week! I do hope you will join me again soon here, Between Health & Wealth Avenues! Have a lovely day and take care everyone. Much Peace, Audrey

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