March 25, 2014

Dear Future... I'm ready

I dedicate this piece to my family: Major Timothy Korte, Rev. Dr. Mary Korte, and Adam P. Korte. I love you! I would not be where I am today without you! 

Hello friends. Welcome back to BETWEEN HEALTH & WEALTH AVENUES!

I was going through my papers this morning and found one of my many past attempts at keeping a daily journal. I have never been consistent with journals though I am enjoying the weblog journal I have here with you. My blog is similar to a daily journal with a few exceptions - I can edit it, I can make it pretty, and I am aware of the fact that other people are reading it. For some that would be terrifying. For me - it helps keep me on track. It also helps me to present a better version of myself and of the events in my life even on the worst days; I keep it more positive & look for the lessons I can learn from my hardships now. It's more work then I'd imagined & more therapeutic then I'd hoped for. It isn't easy but most anything worthwhile takes work right?

I'm ready for what God has prepared for me.

So I found this journal from about 2 years ago and there is an entry that stands out. It is a simple list of things I am tired of dealing with. It goes on for 3 pages. It's is predominantly Lyme symptoms and medication side affects and the emotional aspects of being isolated and in pain. I understand where I was that day. I still have days, and weeks, like that. There is nothing wrong with venting - it's obviously stuff I needed to get out. But today I decided to go through it and see if I could change the way I think about some of those things.

For example instead of saying "I'm tired of being tired" - I want to say "I'm ready to feel more energetic". So that's what I am doing with today's post - I suggest you try it yourself. Let the universe know what you're ready for - instead of what's wearing you down and I bet you'll be surprised at how things begin to change. You have to work on your mindset like anything else in life - it takes work, practice, and dedication.

Please let this one happen, it will take us far away. Thank you........

Dear Future, I'm Ready. 
I'm ready to feel energized.
I'm ready to have more good days then bad.
I'm ready to sleep better.
I'm ready to follow through on my plans.
I'm ready to forgive myself.
I'm ready to forgive others.
I'm ready to let go of my pain.
I'm ready to work hard.
I'm ready to laugh... a lot.
I'm ready to be persistent.
I'm ready to try again - and again, if necessary.
I'm ready to accept myself.
I'm ready to live with my illness.
I'm ready to LIVE.
I'm ready to say I am chronically awesome;
I'm ready to stop saying I am chronically ill.

Dear Future, I'm ready!
I'm ready to be confident.
I'm ready to feel worthy
I'm ready to be free
I'm ready to say take it or leave it; this is the real me.
I'm ready to learn.
I'm ready to teach.
I'm ready to earn.
I'm ready to preach.
I'm ready for life.
I'm ready for love.
I'm ready to be embraced by God up above!

Thankful for my struggle...some days...but most days I just want it to go away!

As always have a happy, healthy, and hopeful day. Y'all come back now ya hear? : ) 

PEACE, Audrey

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