Hey friends & fighters! Hope you are having a good Sunday! Today's post will be short, sweet and to the point.... keep fighting. I know sometimes it's hard just to keep breathing. Just rolling over hurts. But this is your battle. Many of us are fighting the same illness and the same injustice but we each have our part to play and in this film you play the lead role. Maybe you didn't want it - maybe you were an understudy praying that the leading lady would never get the flu and force you into the spotlight in front of all those people. Sorry - it's your time now. You have the leading role so are going to make a memorable occasion? Are you going to do your best? Or are you going to let fear get the better of you?
The most important thing is to DO your best not say that you're doing your best. The two things are very different. You don't whine and moan and feel sorry for yourself - no room for that with all the work you have in front of you. You have to fight. And this is no play acting. The consequences are real. The battle is real. It's real life. It won't be easy - it may be terrifying and yes it's gonna hurt but imagine that feeling of victory. Imagine all the little victories you have ahead of you. The first time you roll over and it doesn't hurt. The first time you climb the stairs without assistance. The day you get released from the hospital. The day you are able to walk without a walker - I've been there. Each and everyone of those victories are possible and I'm living proof. So when I say fight I mean it. I will accept nothing less then your best. Give 110% everyday. Do it for all of us who are battling but mostly never forget to do it for yourself. You are SO worth it!!! So with these words of wisdom I bid you adieu. Have a happy, healthy and hopeful day my fighting friends. Y'all come back now ya hear? Peace, Audrey
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