The fact is I have put off some of these topics for awhile because I don't want anyone to stop reading my blog & I don't want to get a bunch of messages saying - "I love hamburgers; I won't stop eating meat "... I really don't want to tell people what to do but I DO want people to know what I know, and encourage them to help themselves in any possible. If I don't tell you how I feel about FOOD then I have no business telling you how I feel about LYME DISEASE either. That's what I decided today because I hold myself to a high standard and therefore today I give in, finally. The biggest issue with Lyme is that we all are getting a raw deal and I am fighting to make this change, like many of you are. But we are also getting a raw deal with our food and I am fighting that to the best of my ability also, but more importantly I am changing what I eat as I become more educated on the topic. I pass along a lot of information on the facebook page BETWEEN HEALTH & WEALTH AVENUES (https://www.facebook.com/groups/akorteshares/) which is associated with this blog but I haven't written a real rant about our food industry yet and that's not something I can live with any more. It is my duty to share as much information as possible with you my friend!! That's how I feel after 4 months of blogging so this is for my conscience really - people can't change what the eat if they don't know the issues at hand and if I can help educate anyone then I have done my part. So hold on kids we're going for a ride on the Rant Rails and I hope you know I am not lecturing any of you but I am passionately convinced we need to pay attention to what we put in our bodies and fight for a better world. If you believe this too then please stick around! ; )
Here's what I think: you probably want to stop eating so much processed wheat and meat, pesticide laden produce and packaged foods folks! Whether or not you like the taste of something is no longer a good enough reason to indulge in foods, not when you are playing Russian roulette with pesticides, hormones, untested genetically modified foods and a whole lot of other substances that I guarantee did not come about naturally. None of this stuff was in the garden of Eden I guarantee it! This is our modern day serpent and trust me it has reproduced over the years - we have a real problem to handle. I think in the meantime you may want to consider giving up some of your favorite foods because it's not about fat content and calorie counting anymore. It's so much bigger then that stuff. What we are doing is risking our lives every time we eat a whole lot of our foods now and that's as big an issue for me as allowing Lyme patient to remain untreated and ignored for decades.
I truly believe that in order to help heal yourself from chronic disease & to protect yourself and the ones you love you should do a tick check everyday and in the US especially where our food industry is corrupt we can't even get a label law passed for GMO foods, you should stop eating certain foods, at least for awhile. You can start feeling better this month I bet, and I know that getting from here to there is hard work and that your body and brain tell you NO! I can't do this. It's pretty much the same thing that happens when you get hooked on meds, like pain killers perhaps, and someone tells you how bad they are for you and why you need to get off them and that voice in your head goes NO! even if that's NOT what you say allowed... anyone been through this?
Of course a lot of us have because chronic pain is one the biggest problems Lyme disease creates and we have all gotten into the habit of feeling something and then taking something - with good reason! That's what we are taught. It doesn't mean it's healthy and getting healthy is what will make you feel better right? So I know what a lot of you are thinking - I used to be the same way but I swear you'll survive and once you stop eating certain addictive foods and allow yourself to detox from these foods that are laced with chemicals you can begin to hear what your body is telling you again, instead of what your tummy is telling you all day, everyday. And that my friends has been pretty great for me. It has helped me to eat things that help the body heal naturally, and as a bonus my tastes have changed a lot this year so that I no longer give into foods simply because they smell good if those foods are going to cause inflammation, depression, indigestion, diarrhea, headaches, joint swelling or affect my brain functioning. I have started to like eating a slew of vegetables I would not have touched 2 years ago. I didn't know half the nutritional stuff I do now when I began my food journey out of the darkness and into the light, about 13 months ago. I did learn a lot of useful information when I started using Juice Plus+ (Please visit my website t learn more about how amazing this is! It's at akortesharesjuiceplus.com) and decided to start working for them immediately when I realized something like this product existed and might help me heal. And it has! I did not just jump in without doing a hell of a lot of research into the company, and the product and when I felt the tug of hope I knew I had to try it. I have never regretted it. Finding a business that offers health before profit has restored my faith in humanity not to mention helped my body enormously and allowed me to launch my own business from home despite being chronically ill. Who knew that such an amazing and life changing amount of goodness could all come as the result of one simple decision - well I have a feeling my up line and old friend Heather Binns knew exactly what she was offering me which is why she was so patient with me and continues to be. I thank her once again for this gift!
Something actually has done what it promised for me and so much more which is not just unusual, it's revolutionary! And I am living proof. I bring this up only to publicly thank my Juice Plus+ up line Heather, and my whole team for the work they do because none of us knew what a positive affect it would have on my body and on my life but it was a catalyst for me to start learning more about food and with my improved health I eventually found myself working again and blogging and now working on a book too. That's an amazing feat in just over a year after 13 years of Chronic Lyme! The minute I realized taking Juice Plus+ was really having great a noticeable affect I naturally started reading up on food effects. It felt good to improve little by little and I am still improving so that's the background on how I found myself Between Health and Wealth Avenues!
Now trust me when I say you will crave your wheat and meat and chemically enhanced foods as you begin to cut certain things out of your diet - speaking from experience. But you will also get through it and when you do it's going to feel awesome. It's the same as making it through drug and alcohol detox - when you do you begin to feel better but nobody can make you ready to change and I get that. SO for now just take in the information and think about it all seriously. I am here to help when and if you decide to get off the food crazy train. I am still fighting my way through this maze myself. Trust me! But I'm closer to the exit of this food labyrinth then I have ever been and that's awesome! I just want to be able to get in and out of here without losing my way but only I can walk through it and find my path. Others can help give directions and many people have, but I have to do the work myself and I am. I will help you get started now and wish you luck my friend - we'll get there, one by one I have faith! And just think the sooner you start the process of changing your diet, the sooner you will begin to feel well! And that my friends is AMAZING! It won't last - nothing does. It has to be maintained like everything else. Your lawn won't mow itself and if you haven't mowed in 3 years then getting it done is going to take a lot of work and a lot of time but when it's done you can focus on maintaining it just like your diet. Right?
If you begin soon and commit to improving your bodies nutrition, and therefore it's natural ability to fight off diseases, including any you already have, then you will get through the hard part sooner and reap the rewards. If you don't you will continue on your current path. Only you can decide if that's what you want.
http://www.pinterest.com/pin/257479303668042359/ |
Also you may not want to hear it but I don't believe eating something that is horribly abused has no impact on the quality of the meat itself or it's taste, not to mention you are literally consuming their pain and fear. No thank you. Cruelty tastes like crap. Like it or not that's my opinion and finding a local source for meat that is hormone and antibiotic free, and allows the animals to eat what nature intended instead of cheap corn feed will cost extra because that's what we have allowed to happen to our food industry. It's not okay. It's not healthy for us. But by all means if you can afford to shop at local farms and local butchers then have a T-bone every once in awhile. Just remember it's an inflammatory food so you will have to fight the inflammation with the other things you eat!

I have a moral concern about what products I purchase and from whom now. You may not care about animal rights or may not want to become a vegetarian. That's fine - I'm not judging you, but I would be a hypocrite if I did not apply the same mindset to meat as do to my other foods now. Meaning I think Monsanto and Genetically modified foods are a horrible mistake. They have NOT been researched or tested for long term health affects on humans. We are their test currently and that should scare the hell out of you. Why would you want to support such an irrational and unintelligent business and industry?
My biggest problem with meat - I don't know a thing about the source of this food! Not to mention it's genetically modified. Is it? Do you know the answer to that? If not ask yourself if you should be eating something without knowing the basics about it's safety. I do not trust the food industry to tell me anything negative about products and that includes meat! Now why would I want to eat something if I don't know where it came from? Even if the packaging makes assurances so does the CDC right? I mean I have to decide who to trust and I don't trust corporations, industries and advertisements anymore without solid evidence! They have to prove their product and their safety to me as a consumer now - if they don't I won't support them anymore.

We force farmers to pay for the right to NOT use chemicals on their produce instead of the other way around. Over 60 countries have banned GMO's while we not only refuse to but fight the nationwide demand to even label foods as GMO or chemically enhanced. What's wrong with this picture besides everything? What you have decide is how best to protect yourself from the contamination and corruption of our food industry...
I am too ill and have been for too long to risk my life for something that tastes good or is cheap and easy to make. Just like I am no longer willing to risk my life in order to relieve my chronic pain - I did so for years because being in pain sucks. We all know this. But is that reason enough to take something that is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE and is so on purpose because it improves sales. Again it was not easy and it's taken me years of poor decision making to arrive at this point. But I see the #'s skyrocketing for Lyme and people dying over this disease and people dying from what they eat and I cannot look the other way. Many of you may feel this way especially about our Lyme disease treatments and protocols. I am simply encouraging you to apply the same logic to other parts of your life instead of eating whatever because the advertisements look good, and asking your doctor about a medication simply because the commercial says you should. We are so much smarter then they give us credit for so let's start acting like it! Protect yourself - protect your health - vote with their wealth. Don't buy this crap and they will have no option but to give up, give in or give us real food.
If I expect a sense of responsibility from industries, companies and governments I have to be willing to a walk that line in my own life and work. I am doing just that. It's part of activism and civil duty. That's the REAL AMERICAN WAY! SO for love and country and for the future of our world I ask you to think before you eat! Hope I have given you plenty of food for thought today my friends! LOL
As always have a happy, healthy, and hopeful day. Y'all come back now ya hear? : )
PEACE, Audrey
JUICE PLUS+: http://akortesharesjuiceplus.comTOWER GARDEN:
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