June 03, 2014

Is the Now working for or against me?

"When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." ~Viktor Frankl

I stumbled across this great quote today in a book I have barely had time to open thus far - opened right to this page and so I will share it with you now.

"Are you stressed? Are you so busy getting to the future that the present is reduced to a means of getting there? Stress is caused by being "here" but wanting to be "there", or being in the present but wanting to be in the future. It's a split that tears you apart inside. To create and live with such an inner split is insane. The fact that everybody else is doing it doesn't make it any less insane." - ECKARD TOLLE, The Power of Now

I am still new to this line of thinking but I sure am working on it. We live with so much stress - an endemic product of the epidemic of NOT accepting things as they are in the here and now. What a shame since the here and now are the only moments any of us ever have in which to live. It takes a huge amount strength and determination and cultivating both patience and persistence to accept what is, especially when you don't like it! 

You can work to change what can be changed otherwise you have to work to change yourself. Recognizing and releasing ourselves from our "shoulds" is powerful; the stories we tell ourselves and others about how things should be, who and what is to blame for our shoulds not manifesting - these don't serve us well and they don't serve others either. What we are seeking is acceptance - including self acceptance. This is an active process - it is not the same as saying "whatever" or "who cares"... it is not an excuse to stay stuck. 

I am learning HOW to Live in the PRESENT - The NOW. I'm on a 9 day Sabbatical focusing on This and Myself for the 1st Time in My Life. If YOU want to Learn HOW to do this, Read ECKHART TOLLE'S Books "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth". It changed My Life!

"El futuro nos tortura y el pasado nos encadena. He ahí por qué se nos escapa el presente" (Gustave Flaubert)
If we can recognize what we are really doing and what we are really felling in any given moment, we might be able to influence how we are in relationship to what is happening right now. We can then choose to keep moving at the same pace, in the same direction or to alter our course. We do better to slow down even; back off a bit on the accelerator and be MORE present and therefore perhaps more effective at handling the now. Don't tell yourself there is too much at stake to stop for a moment or two. Having just moved and driven 1700 miles believe me I UNDERSTAND! But what happens to the body, the mind, the soul, and our relationships if we never allow ourselves to experience the Now? 

When our top priority is to inhabit the present moment regardless of the circumstances, regardless, of our schedules, regardless, of our illnesses, regardless of the weather, regardless of each and every "should" you can think of...we allow ourselves just enough time to remember that THIS IS ALL WE HAVE! This moment. Now. Inhabit this moment and realign yourself with sanity in a mad mad world. 

I am so happy to be writing again - GLAD TO HAVE YOU ALL WITH ME TOO! Thanks so much for visiting Between Health and Wealth Avenues! I should get a couple more posts up this week so tune in my friends! Have a happy, healthy and healing day. Peace, Audrey




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